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Chemtrail pictures

This section aims to demonstrate the existence of chemtrails through some photos and articles.

Faced with the general status quo of people seeing nothing abnormal in the spreading that has been raging for more than ten years, and faced with the astonishing amount of evidence, articles and documents demonstrating their existence, we could not do other than writing a section to that effect.

The word "chemtrail" is derived from "contrail", a word which refers to the normal condensation that forms at the exit of an aircraft jet engine. The term chemtrail appeared about fifteen years ago when spraying began intensively above the skies of large cities. At that time, many people became concerned and began to question the government using petitions to clarify the purpose of this or these spreading programs.




3 shots of the same sky

15 minutes later....

Seen close to persistent contrails.


En voilà 2



The shading that is created here shows that there are more than small water crystals in these trails.

Here they are polymers settling on the ground in the spring during the snowmelt: physical proof of the existence of chemtrails. I took and kept a sample of this "moss". In a word: repulsive.

Abnormal plane flight photographed in Quebec


I don't think it's legal to keep such a short distance between two large planes.

They don't contrail because they fly at too low an altitude, which demonstrates that when they emit a contrail, it's not just condensation.

Two more planes following each other very closely, notice the difference in color between the two tracks.
The aircraft on the left is emitting what appears to be condensation while the one on the right is probably emitting a chemical spray since it does not fade despite the lead it has with its neighbour. Also notice the fibrous appearance of the trail


You'd think this pilot was drunk while spraying the chemical trails


Thanks to Philipe for these excellent photos!

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